Like my title? I'm having to stretch to come up with cutesy sugar names. Help a sister out, would you??? I like those new commercials where those people are trying to make HFCS sound all innocent and like it's not so bad. They crack me up. In my opinion, it's like trying to convince people that Hitler was a nice guy. Not that I'm anti-HFCS. I don't doubt for a second that my child will ingest it on an all too frequent basis. But at least I can admit it's complete and utter junk while I try to make my kids quit screaming by shoving it down their throats.
Holy crap, I grouted all dang day! I had to cut off what little fingernails I have because they were so destroyed. Gotta seal them tomorrow, but pics and posting first! I hate pics and buy my stuff and make it worth my time :)
Today's Spoonful of Sugar comes from
Asmus Home Interiors. I saw this site in the forums today and fell in love with her pillows. They're so beautiful and unique and she does custom requests. The price is so much better than you can get in any store too! Believe me, I just got new living room furniture and finding cute throw pillows on an Air Force budget was not easy. This is my favorite!

Now I just need to re-do my living room to match this pillow...Gosh that would be fun. Like make my day-week-month-year fun. I love buying things. Especially things for my house. I'm going to have to get a good damn job when I'm forced to. No one but me to support my shopping addiction now. *Sigh*
michelle ~ i think you have the funniest, most creative profile i have ever read. it really made me want to check out your blog!