Well, I don't have any fun road trip pictures today cause I didn't go anywhere, but I will make up for it.
Kati and I went shopping today. Cause I totally needed more clothes. Then we had lunch at Panera (one of my FAVES!), and we ran some other errands. Then Kati's sister and her boyfriend came over for dinner. It was a fun day. Tomorrow Kati's husband is getting up and making breakfast for us. I suggested that he take my husband under his wing...
By the way, I asked the husband if I could use his name and he said yes. Well, I can use his initials, but that's what everyone calls him anyway. I just can't say what it stands for. Anyway, his name is TJ. So yay for that. Now I don't have to call him "the husband" anymore.
So more details for Angela...I will be living in Georgia. He is not home right now, but will be back not too long from now. Sorry, but I have to be vague about that he says. When he gets back, I'm going to go up there. He lives with a friend in an apartment right now. I call him LB. Apparently we're big on initials.
Anyway, when everyone gets back, we're going to move into a new townhouse thing together. We're a precious little family. LB just wants to have a wife without actually having a wife. He likes it when I go get stuff for him at Wal-Mart and make the house look nice. But that's ok. I don't mind. They have some training to go to about a month after they get home. They'll be gone for another 3 months or so. I think I'm gonna stay in Georgia and find a job and enjoy having the place to myself. I'll use that time to girly up the place. No more bachelor pad for the boys.
Angela didn't have anymore questions, but she wants all the details. It's funny to think about how I never really mentioned him or our relationship in all the posts I've written. I mean, ok, I realize that I frequently mentioned him, but not anything about us. So here are the basics:
We've been married for 4 years, together for 5. He has a daughter who is going to be 8 in November. He's 27. He is obsessively neat and frequently throws things away that I need because I happened to leave it sitting on the kitchen table for more than 18 minutes. We tease each other relentlessly and we have a shit ton of fun doing it. He is my absolute best friend. I tell him everything and I can totally be myself around him. Which I realize should be the case when you marry someone, but I think a lot of people still don't have that. I have so missed having him around to talk to.
He laughs out loud when he watches TV. He mouths the words I'm saying when I talk to him. It's really kind of creepy. It's like he knows everything I'm going to say. Like lip syncing. It's also fun to watch, and he doesn't realize when he's doing it. He thinks I've turned Jers into a sissy. Which I so have not, BTW. He gets a new car like every year. Well, not new new, but new to us. In the months that we've been, *ahem*, not together he's managed to acquire a different one.
He always notices when I paint my toenails a new color. He is OCD about working out. Goes to the gym everyday. I personally think he's unbalanced, but it's whatever. We sleep back to back. He won't eat McDonald's, which again, I find unbalanced. He takes the longest showers of anyone I've ever known. Like ever; in my whole life.
While I stomp around and yell, he's incredibly patient. I get mad when he won't fight back. I mean sometimes you just get good and mad, and it's incredibly irritating when the person who is supposed to be fighting with you stays impeccably calm. He gripes at me for hogging the covers, but I think he secretly likes it. Some days I want to kick him in the teeth, but I love him every day.
Oh, fun story. So, he proposed to me on a beach in Florida. It was late at night and he suggested we go for a walk on the beach. So we do, and it's just like the movies. The waves were crashing, the moon was our only light...so romantic. So we're walking and he starts telling me how much he loves me and stuff. Then he stops and hits one knee. So I'm like super excited. He asks if I'll marry him, opens the ring box, and the ring goes flying out like it was spring loaded.
Now the light of the moon is not so much romantic as it is a huge hindrance. We couldn't find the ring anywhere. We were so careful and sifted through the sand, but to no avail. I have never seen him look that ill to this very day. So he called a friend who brought a flashlight out. We still couldn't find it. So I go to Wal-Mart (at 2am, mind you) to buy a metal detector. The boys stayed on the beach with the ring.
So I go into Wal-Mart, find a metal detector and batteries, and go to pay. The lady is looking at me like I'm nuts. So I told her what happened. So she was just like, "Oh honey. After you find it, just bring this back and you can return it." Which was good since it was like $250. So, I'm hurrying back to the beach and I get pulled over for speeding. You know how the cops always ask why you're in such a hurry? Yeah. I had a good reason. So I told him and he looked like he didn't believe me till I showed him the metal detector. He started looking ill too, so I'm thinking his wife's ring was rather expensive. He let me go.
So I get back out there, and the boys had used their shoes to cordon off a possible landing area for the ring. Geez, military much? The boys put the batteries in and TJ started sweeping it across the designated square. He started in the bottom left corner and swept up diagonally. It wasn't looking good. He got to the very top right corner and it went off. His friend hit his knees and started digging like crazy. Then all the sudden his hand shot up in the air. He had the ring. He was in our wedding.
TJ yanked it out of his hand and jammed it on my finger. I never did answer the marriage question. So we went back to Wal-Mart and when I walked in, everyone kind of looked at me expectantly. I held my hand up in the air and a cheer went up. It was awesome. We returned the metal detector and went back to the hotel and passed out.
Looking back, it's pretty funny. But only because we found the ring. I think he would have wept if we didn't. He probably wouldn't have left the beach. All the old people come out early in the morning with their metal detectors and they're like vultures.
Anyway, enough detail for now. I'm sure I've bored you all to tears. It's Angela's fault. Blame her. So here are some pictures for ya'll. One of us and then like my favorite picture ever of him. He's sexy :)

So, I hope you enjoyed the details and the pictures. I'm a sleepy girl. I'm gonna eat a chocolate chip cookie and watch "Design Star" on my computer. Then I'm going to drift off to dreamland where I can eat all the chocolate chip cookies and chocolate donuts I want and not gain an ounce.